Mô tả

AZBIL Vietnam,Bộ điều khiển chỉ thị khí nén KFKB12-7478490500B3T-KM7 AZBIL

KFKB12-7478490500B3T-KM7 AZBIL

ANS tự hào được sinh ra và mang trong mình sứ mệnh là đáp ứng tất cả các nhu cầu cũng như giúp Quý khách hàng tối ưu hóa các giải pháp khắc phục mọi vấn đề trong ngành công nghiệp điện tử tự động một cách hiệu quả nhất.

Chuyên nghiệp về kỹ thuật, chăm sóc khách hàng  và sự hỗ trợ nhiệt tình từ các nhà sản xuất, chúng tôi luôn tự tin đáp ứng mọi yêu cầu của quý khách hàng .

Với khuynh hướng tiến cùng thời đại, phương châm của ANS chúng tôi là giúp quý khách hàng tiếp cận các thiết bị kỹ thuật hiện đại với cách sử dụng rất đơn giản, an toàn và nhanh nhất.

“Hành động kịp thời –  Đáp ứng nhanh chóng – Dẫn đầu tự động – Đi đầu cải tiến”

Thêm vào đó, đội ngũ vận chuyển hàng hóa trên toàn cầu – hàng hóa nhập khẩu hàng tuần, đảm bảo thời gian, tiết kiệm chi phí, đến với ANS, bạn (quý khách)sẽ nhận được sự phục vụ tốt nhất.

Xem thêm: Các thương hiệu nổi tiếng trên thế giới mà công ty chúng tôi phân phối


Field mounted indicating controllers

Bộ điều khiển chỉ thị được gắn tại hiện trường bao gồm hai bộ phận chính được tìm thấy trong tất cả các kiểu máy. Đây là đơn vị đo lường biến quá trình và đơn vị bộ điều khiển chỉ thị. Bộ điều khiển đo và điều chỉnh các biến số cơ bản của quá trình cho nhiệt độ, áp suất, tốc độ dòng chảy, mức chất lỏng và cũng có thể xử lý các tín hiệu áp suất khí nén.
Toàn bộ dòng sản phẩm có thiết kế chức năng tuyệt vời với sự cân nhắc về chi phí và khả năng hoạt động. Có sẵn một danh sách đầy đủ các bộ điều khiển chỉ thị, bộ phát tín hiệu và bộ điều khiển truyền tín hiệu để triển khai thiết bị đo hiệu quả về chi phí đáp ứng nhiều yêu cầu chức năng khác nhau.
Độ tin cậy cao
Chúng tôi thiết kế loạt sản phẩm này để vận hành dễ dàng và nâng cao độ tin cậy. Đường ống khí nén điều áp được thay thế bằng bảng mạch khí nén để đảm bảo độ tin cậy về chức năng, ống thổi đôi được sử dụng để ổn định lâu dài và vỏ kim loại giúp thiết bị có khả năng chịu nhiệt, nước và thời tiết.

Đặc điểm rung động tuyệt vời
<Đo áp suất>
Tất cả các phần tử xoắn ốc được trang bị một trọng lượng cân bằng để ngăn chặn dao động của chỉ báo PV. Kết cấu cũng ngăn ngừa sự lệch tâm trong trục trung tâm bằng cách xác định góc dịch chuyển từ tâm phần tử.
<Đo nhiệt độ>
Một phần tử nhận áp suất kiểu ống thổi được sử dụng và mô-men xoắn đủ lớn để thắng lực dao động sẽ thu được để loại bỏ dao động chỉ báo PV.
Các biện pháp đối phó chống lại xung quá trình
Các phần tử xoắn ốc có tính năng giảm chấn giúp chúng chống lại xung động của quá trình được sử dụng. Vì không bị thắt nên không cần lo lắng về khả năng bị tắc.

Tính kinh tế đạt được nhờ tiêu chuẩn hóa các bộ phận
Do việc sử dụng cùng một phần tử đo được sử dụng trong các máy phát khí nén hiện có của chúng tôi, việc sử dụng hiệu quả các bộ phận được tiêu chuẩn hóa và sử dụng các tùy chọn có thể được thêm hoặc xóa tự do, số lượng các bộ phận phải được lưu trữ để bảo trì đã giảm đáng kể cắt giảm và tính kinh tế, khả năng bảo trì và khả năng hoạt động đã được tăng cường đáng kể.

100% Japan Origin AZBIL Vietnam Model: KFKB12-7478490500B3T-KM7
Pneumatic Indicating Controller
Products Brand
J-DMS03 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SFA20 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
YME, YMW AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SFR10 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-STH61 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SSD60, J-SSD65 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SOV60 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SMS60 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SPM60 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-STH60 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SIP60, J-SIP65 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SSP60 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SFV90 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SCM92, J-SCM97 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SAZ90 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SMV90, J-SMV95 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SMS90 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SPT90, J-SPT95 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SRV90, J-SRV95 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SCM90, J-SCM95 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-STC90, J-STC95 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SCP92, J-SCP97 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SFP90 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SAP90 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SMP90, J-SMP95 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SSP90 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SVP90, J-SVP95 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SRP90, J-SRP95 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SCP90, J-SCP95 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-STP90, J-STP95 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-SLD90 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
R412 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GTX15D, GTX30D, GTX40D, GTX31D, GTX41D, GTX71D, GTX32D, GTX42D, GTX72D AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GTX30A, GTX60A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GTX30S, GTX60S AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GTX35F, GTX60F AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GTX35R, GTX40R AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GTX35U, GTX60U, GTX71U, GTX82U AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GTX60G, GTX71G AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GTX60G, GTX71G, GTX82G AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-APN11 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
J-APN20 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KDP11, KDP22 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KDP33 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KDP44 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KDP61, KDP62 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KDP71, KDP72 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KDP81, KDP82 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KFDB AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KFK AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KFLBXX-61/KFLBXX-62 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KFP AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KFT AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KGP AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP11, KKP12, KKP13, KKP14 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP15, KKP16, KKP17, KKP18 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP25, KKP26, KKP27, KKP28 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP71, KKP72, KKP73, KKP74, KKP75, KKP76 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KUX111, 118 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KUX112 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KUX113 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KUX121, KUX128 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KUX122, KUX127 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KUX60G, KUX70G AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NWA300 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PCA13 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PCM13 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PTG AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PTG60 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PTG70 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SI AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SPG5A, SPG6A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
JTD720A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KEE AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MCB10A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MCS100 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGG10C AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGG11, MGG12 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGG14C AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGG15 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGG17 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGG18, MGG19, MGG11 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGG18D AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGR11A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGR13C (Converter)/MGR11U (Detector) AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGS28U AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MQV AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MTG15A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MTG18A, MTG14C, MTG18B AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MVC10A, MVC10F AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MVC30, MVC31A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MVC32, MVC33A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MVF AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NNK150, NNK951 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NOB AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NOF AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NOH AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NOJ AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NOP AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NOR AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NOS AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NZ11 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
RC111 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SDR11F AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VRX10A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
JTL220, JTL221, JTL222, JTL230, JTL231, JTL232 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SLX110, SLX120 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
ATT082 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
ATT085 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
CVM400 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HGC303 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
CFS100 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AC2 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
ACN AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
ACP AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
ACT AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
ADVB, ADVM AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AGVB, AGVM AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
ALVB, ALVM AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AMT AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP100, AVP102 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP200, AVP201, AVP202 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP300, AVP301, AVP302 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP701, AVP702 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP703 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP77*, AVP78*, AVP79* AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
D1M AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
D1S AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
D1V AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
DAP560, 1000, 1500 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
ECM3000 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
EGVD, EAVD AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
EGVM, EAVM AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
EGVT AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GOM AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HA2 to 4 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HAF AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HAH AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HAL AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HAV AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HCB AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HCN AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HDT AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HEP15, HEP16, HEP17 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HEP18, HEP19, HEP28, HEP29 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HEP25, HEP26 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HIC AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HIT AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HL AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HLC AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HLS AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HMC AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPC AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPS AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HSC AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HTM AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HTP AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HTS AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
IL100, IL201, IL211 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KZ03 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
LX7000 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PSA1 to 4 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PSA6, PSA7 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PU21 Series AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PU23 Series AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SVX100, SVX102 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VA5 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VAA AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VAC AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VAU AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VBL AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VBM, VBH AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VBS AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VCX, VCL AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VCX7000 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VDC AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VDD AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VDN AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VF02, 03, 04 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VFR AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VNP AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VPE04, VPE05 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VPP02, VPP03 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VPP08 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VPR02, VPR03 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VSB AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VSM AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VSP AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VST AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
ARF100 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
ARF200 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-CB1, NX-CL1, NX-CR1, NX-TL1, NX-TR1 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-D15, NX-D25, NX-D35 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-DX1, NX-DX2 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-DY1, NX-DY2 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-S11, NX-S12, NX-S21 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SDC15 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SDC25, SDC26 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SDC35, SDC36 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SDC45A, SDC46A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SDC45V, SDC46V AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SR100 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SR200 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AUD100, AUD110 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AUD300C1000 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AUR300C AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
BC-R25 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
BC-R35 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GV-A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SES70 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GTX15D AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GTX30D AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GTX41D AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GTX71D AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GTX31D AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GTX35F AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GTX60F AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GTX35R AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
GTX40R AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PTG60 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PTG71 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PTG72 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SPG AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SPG5A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SPG6A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SLP AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SP5 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KDP11 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KDP12 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KDP61 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KDP62 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KDP71 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KDP72 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP11 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP15 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP25 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP71 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KDP81 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP12 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
 KKP16 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP26 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP72 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KDP82 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP13 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
 KKP17 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP27 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP73 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP14 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
 KKP18 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP28 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP74 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP75 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KKP76 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KFLBXX-61 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KFLBXX-62 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KUX121 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KUX122 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KUX60G AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KUX111 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KUX128 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KUX127 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KUX70G AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
KUX118 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGG11 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGG18 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGG12 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGG19 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MVC10A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MVC10F AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
CMS9500 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
CMS0010 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MCF0080 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
CMS, CMF AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
CML, CMF050 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
CMG152 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
CMG252 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
CMG402 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
CMG502 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
CMS0002 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
CMS0050 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MCF0150 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
CMS0005 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
CMS0200 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MCF0151 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
CMS0020 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
CMS0500 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MCF0250 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
CMS1000 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MCF0400 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
CMS2000 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MCF0500 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MPC9500 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MQV9005 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MPC0002 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MQV9020 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MPC0005 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MQV9200 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MPC0020 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MQV9500 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MQV0002 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MQV0005 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MQV0020 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MQV0050 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MQV0200 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MQV0500 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AX2200 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AX2300 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AX2211 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AX2222 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AX2223 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AX2311 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MVC30 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MVC31A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MVC32 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MVC33A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGG14C(for HART Communicator) AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGG10C-M AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGF11 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGS11U AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGG10C-P/R AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGG10C-S/T AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGG14C-S/T AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MTG18A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MTG14C AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MTG18B AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NNK140 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NNK941 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NNK150 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NNK951 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGR13C (Converter) AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
MGR11U (Detector) AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SLX110 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SLX120 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
JTL220 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
JTL221 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
JTL222 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
JTL230 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
JTL231 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
JTL232 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HTY7843 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AGVB AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AGVM AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
ALVB AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
ADVB AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
ALVM AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
ADVM AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VBM AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VBH AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
EGVD AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
EGVM AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
EAVD AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
EAVM AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP100 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP200 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP300 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP701 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SVX100 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP77* AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP102 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP201 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP301 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP702 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP202 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP302 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SVX102 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP78* AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AVP79* AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HEP15 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HEP18 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HEP25 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PSA6 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VPE04 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VPP02 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VPR02 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HEP16 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HEP19 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HEP26 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HEP17 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HEP28 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HEP29 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PSA7 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VPE05 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VPP03 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VPR03 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PGM10N AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PGM10F AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PU21 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SDC25 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SDC35 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SDC45A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SDC45V AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SDC26 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SDC36 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SDC46A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SDC46V AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-CB1 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-D15 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-DX1 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-DY1 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-S11 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-CL1 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-D25 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-DX2 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-DY2 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-S12 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-CR1 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-D35 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-S21 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-TL1 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
NX-TR1 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
RX-R40 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
RX-L80 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
RX-L AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
RX-R20 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
RX-L90 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
RX-R AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AUD100 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AUD110 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AUD120 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AUD15 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
AUD10C1000 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HLA AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
K1G AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HP7 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HP100 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HLB AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPJ AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPV AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
1LS AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HP300 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HP350 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HP800 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
FL7M-C AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
SL1 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
H1L-B51-C AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
H1L-B53-C AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
H1L-S52-C AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPX-AG AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPX-EG AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPX-AG08_S AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPX-AG13-_S AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPX AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPX-MA AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPQ-D11 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPQ-D13 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPQ-D21 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPQ-D23 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPQ-DP AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPQ-T AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPQ-T1-017 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPQ-D12 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
HPQ-D22 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
FL7M AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
FL7S AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
FL7M-A AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
FL7M AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
FL7_N_M AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
APT AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
APM AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
FL2F AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
FL2R_S AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
FL2R_V AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
FL2 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
VCL-5***-**Series AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
LS, 14CE AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
LJA10-11A21N AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
5LX7***- **-*** AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
5LX7***-J ** AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
1LX-7***-***-*** AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
1LX7***-A1** AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
5LX7***-A1** AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
LJA10-57A21N AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
5LX7***-R ** AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PA7 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL
PA5 AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL


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